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by Bri

2020's Top Nutrition Trends!! And NBB's New Year Newsletter

Happy 2020!!! What's in store for you this year? Have you found your "word of the year" yet? What one new thing will you commit to, without a doubt? Are there any new habits and rituals you're hoping to create in your day-to-day?

While you stare at your light-up box and contemplate life, let me update you on the latest from this community... and PLEASE, share this post and email with friends whom you think could benefit from seeing a Dietitian!

Trends for nutrition on social media include new blends of plant-based protein powders, sustainable legumes and grains like peas, buckwheat, oats, and barley, adaptogens, probiotics and prebiotics, and diets that try to take the best of both worlds to create something new (did someone say "pegan?"). How long will they last? You'll be playing a part this year as you try new foods and diets, but let it not all overwhelm you! You're more than welcome to slow down to tackle the basics and details of your own diet and meal planning, step by step!

Trends among Nourished clients

Allergen-friendly. Plenty of Nourished by Bri clients are finding solace in the array of options within their allergy-restricted diets with some simple coaching from a dietitian. In 2019 I helped clients with dairy, gluten, nut, seed, fruit, sulphite and histamine allergies.

Couples programs. Many clients come TWO BY TWO as a couple - it's so trendy to commit to a healthier diet with your significant other, not to mention SUPER EFFECTIVE when you come to me as a team, rooting for each other's success!

Plant-based. But of course! With the push towards more sustainable agriculture and environmentally-friendly diets, not to mention aiming for a healthier approach to food and meal planning, plant-based emphasis or an entire plant-based diet swap was at the top of the list for clients' requests.

Low FODMAP diet. Irritable Bowel - no more! For at least 10 clients last year, a Dietitian-guided low FODMAP diet was the ticket to take them far away from the disruptive gut symptoms they had been having for YEARS. Glad I could help!

General digestive health. It's no secret that the gut is full of secrets! We're just touching the surface of the involvement of your gut flora and gut wall integrity in overall health and immunity. Increasing digestive health with probiotics, fiber, and eliminating inflammatory qualities of the diet helped many clients report a happy tummy!

Wholesome, homemade choices. Good-bye convenience foods, hello handmade and homemade revolution! Everyone is asking for healthier, homemade versions of their favourite snack attack foods and meals from favourite restaurants. Here come homemade granola bites, glory bowls, and healthier versions of your favourite fried appetizers.

Waste not, want not. With the minimalism movement on the rise, and waste-free tips sprinkled all over eco and mommy blogs, we can ALL extend our mothering instincts toward the Earth and its future generations. Choose less packaging, more whole foods. Choose simpler recipes, avoid unnecessary purchases. Choose reusable grocery and produce baggies. Refuse styrofoam, plastic cutlery, and straws, and bring your own take-away containers, cutlery, cloth napkins, and stainless steel straws and cups. Let's all do our part!

One thing I will continue to commit to without a doubt is to bring truth and light into my world. I rely on the Bible for truth and direction - it's never failed me and I plan on memorizing as much as I can so that the truth is available to me at all times! Here's one of those truth anchors I've been hanging onto...

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord." - James 1:5-7

So, here's to casting out our anchors onto sound, unwavering truth!. Let your "new" habits and choices be reliant on the rock solid ground of evidence and a little bit of faith!

And God bless us, everyone! A Happy New Year to you and your family!



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